Our Success Depends On You
We need you to be the consultant for patients and clients who visit our center for advice on their health problems.Safe Residential Care, LLC provides residential care as described in Chapter II: Section 21; Chapter Ill: Section 21, MaineCare Benefits Manual for Home and Community Benefits for Members with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder. We are dedicated to helping those with intellectual disabilities to live their lives to the fullest while creating a family atmosphere that promotes a better future. In addition, we are dedicated to encouraging the participation of our residents in their day-to-day lives and reach their personal goal outlined in the Person’s Centered Plan. We strive to offer an environment that promotes self-respect, dignity, independence and improvement of quality of life for all of our residents. We offer the highest quality residential support in the Southern Maine area. Our homes accommodate two residents/consumers per home.
For employment at Safe Residential Care LLC, you must have: